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Shareholding Disclosure: Result Types & Icons
Shareholding Disclosure: Result Types & Icons
Updated over 3 months ago


This article explains the different result-related icons used in our Shareholding Disclosure product.


Result Icons and Their Meaning

Fund Checked: The portfolio/entity was checked against the FundApps rule database.

Okay: No other alert was triggered, meaning no threshold was crossed, and the position is neither approaching a threshold nor above the initial threshold.

Precondition not met: Some rules require a precondition to be met before the rule will be run. If the precondition isn't met, a grey icon will be visible.

Breach: This alert is triggered on certain Regulatory rules

Disclosure: This result is triggered when a disclosure filing is required on a specific position due to crossing a particular threshold.

Warning: The result is approaching a breach/disclosure threshold. The warning triggers when a result gets within a specific percentage range of a threshold.

Info: The result is above the minimum threshold but has not crossed a threshold since the last disclosure or if the value is zero. Please look at the individual rules for details (Alert Levels).

Unknown: The rule was unable to run against the portfolio, so the result is unknown. This is usually caused by data required by the rule not being included in the portfolio. The missing data screen can be viewed, and the result details screen shows the result in question. For more info, please see this page regarding Unknowns and Missing Data Alerts.

Warnings, Precondition not met, and Info alerts do not require specific actions from users, although you can mark them as "closed" to acknowledge the alert.

Should anything still need clarification, please send your question to our FundApps Support team.

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