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Trade Blotter
Updated over 2 months ago

The “Trade Blotter” module can be accessed from the toolbar on the left side of the platform, as well as by clicking “Reports” → “Trade Blotter” from the top toolbar:

The “Trade Blotter” module displays information about all executed trades and transactions, offering an advanced system of filters.

All of the columns can be filtered and ranged by adjusting the desired criteria in the header. At the top of the module, you can also switch between Trades and Transactions.

You can also specify the filter period (the From and To dates) or choose fixed periods: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days. After specifying the filter criteria (apart from Today, Yesterday and Last 7 days), click the button to see all trades matching it.

Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the module to customise it. You can use the following criteria to examine available data:

  • User (user name) – the user from whose account these trades have been executed

  • Date – the date of the trade

  • Symbol – abbreviated symbol of the instrument

  • CCY – default currency of the underlying

  • Client Account – your account

  • Side – trade side, namely, Buy or Sell

  • Quantity – amount of instruments traded

  • Price – average price per instrument unit

  • Commission – size of commission per trade

  • Order ID – unique ID assigned to the trade by the system

  • P&L – profit or loss of the trade against the current market price (in percentage terms)

Click on the export icon at the top-right corner of the module to export filtered trade information to an Excel file, or just copy the data.

Right-click on any instrument to open the instrument in any other module.

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