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What does it mean if my Auto Invest strategy is in “cool down”?
What does it mean if my Auto Invest strategy is in “cool down”?
Updated over 12 months ago

All non-sophisticated investors have a right to a reflection period. When using Auto Invest, the reflection period does not apply for individual investments made using the auto Invest function but rather within 4 days of activating the Auto Invest strategy. Within those 4 days, the Auto Invest strategy is in “cool down” mode, meaning that no investments are made using the investor’s funds. The cool down period is always applied when you make changes to your Auto Invest strategy for a period of 4 days after these changes are activated.

For the sake of clarity, we are legally obliged to allow our investors to have the reflection period under certain circumstances which is why we have to apply the cool down. We unfortunately cannot lift the cool down before the 4 day period ends. During that 4 day period, if you wish to make any investments, please do so manually.

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