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Creating searches & lists
Updated over a week ago

How to save companies and create lists

Easily find and store your most important companies. This enables you to receive updates on your saved companies, receive suggested companies and easily jump back into company profiles.

Companies can be saved and unsaved directly from the list view or from their profile.

From the list view:

  • To save a company, hover over the company name and click on the grey heart icon next to it. The heart will become red and the company will automatically appear in your My saved companies list. You can choose to add to an existing list or to create a new one.

  • To unsave or remove a company from list view, click on the red heart icon. This will show a message at the bottom of the page indicating the company has been removed from My saved companies. Companies can be removed directly from the saved list also.

From a company profile:

  • To save a company directly from its profile, use the green Save button on the right side of the screen. Select the grey heart in line with the list you'd like to save it to or use the bar at the bottom to create a new list.

  • To unsave a company from its profile, use the green Save button, then choose the red heart next to the lists it is currently a part of to remove it from the lists.

To find your saved companies, head to the heart icon on the upper right side of your screen and then Your lists. Here you can view all the lists you have created and enter the list to go to the company profiles. You can also share out your lists with other users by using the three dots icon. You can choose if you want to make the list visible to all Dealroom users or invite individuals instead.

Tip: If a company is saved to various lists and you want to remove it, a window will be displayed allowing you to choose the list you'd like to remove the company from.

Tip: Turn on the Daily Newsletter in your Account Settings to receive a daily update with information about your saved companies including news and funding information. You can also access these updates via the ‘sight’ icon on the upper right side of your screen >> Updates on companies you already follow.

Creating and editing landscapes

Make your lists even more meaningful by transforming it into a landscape. Landscapes allow for enhanced visualisation of industries and companies.

You can create interactive landscapes with a simple drag & drop directly from your saved lists.

To make your own interactive landscape, follow these four simple steps:

  1. Go to your previously saved lists or create a new saved list

  2. Select a list and click on the “Create landscape” button

  3. Create a category and drag and drop any company in the box

  4. Save the landscape

Just like a list, landscapes can also be shared, made public and have more than one owner. You can also choose to receive updates about the companies or investors in the landscape. To do so, click on the three dots next to the edit description button or to make public, tick the Featured box.

Once a company is added to a public landscape, this will be visible on the company profile as well. You'll see it as a tag that shows you how the company has been categorised within a specific curated landscape.

Note: A landscape can only be deleted by the creator of the landscape and not by the additional owners

Note: These category tags can help you find similar companies, and put the company in its market context. Clicking on any of these category tags on the company profile will take you to the landscape the company is in. Hover over the category tag to see the title of the landscape.

Creating and saving searches

Easily jump back into your previously saved searches and queries. This will allow you to receive updates as new companies meet your search criteria and quickly return to your saved search.

Searches can be created from the startups & scaleups, corporates, investors, funding rounds and all sections under the More tab.

Add filters directly in the filter bar and/or by using the advanced filters. Use the Save and export button on the right side to save your search.

Once you have saved your search, you'll immediately have the option to head over to this saved search. Your saved searches are listed by most recently saved.

Alternatively, you can also find it by clicking here or on the target icon next to your name on the top right corner of the page. After clicking on the icon, then click on the Your saved searches button on the right.

Tip: You can always add more filters to your saved searches without affecting your original search. On this, you can also add more filters and save as a new search.

Daily updates and matches

Never miss a funding round or update on your most valuable companies!

To stay up to date with companies you've saved or from previous searches turn on your notifications and receive daily updates and matches.

What are company updates?

These are updates about companies you know and have saved to a list. To turn on and receive updates about these companies, go to the New profile matches button on the top right of the page, and click on the target icon. Then, click on Updates on companies you already follow and choose any of the lists on the right. Click on ··· next to the list, and make sure the Get News updates box is ticked.

Whenever there is any news around the companies in your list, we will send you an email with these updates (we call these emails: daily newsletter).

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Another way to turn on the news updates is to go to your saved lists, choose a list and click on ··· on the right side of the page. Here, also make sure you tick the Get news updates.

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What are New Matches?

New matches are new companies that meet your search criteria. We notify you about these companies based on your saved searches. Here too, you can go to your New profile matches to turn on the notifications. This time, stay on the New companies matching your searches tab and click on the Your searches button on the right hand side. You'll be redirected to Your saved items, which can also be accessed directly by clicking on the heart icon. On this page, you can turn on the notifications by ticking the New Matches box next any of your saved searches.

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