Updated over a week ago

Searching for specific companies, investors, lists or users

Find the company you need in seconds by searching directly in the search bar.

Finding and searching for companies, investors or people can easily be done by searching for the relevant name in the lookup bar at the top of the page. The dropdown will show you a list of the most relevant results.

Can't find the company, investor or person you are looking for? Trying clicking on See more results at the bottom of the dropdown menu. This will take you to the full list of results for your search. You will also notice that we split the search results into Companies, Investors, People, Lists and Innovations to make it easier to find the entity you need.

Simply click on the result you want and be brought directly to the profile.


  • Click enter after typing your search query to go straight to the full results page.

  • Keep in mind the company web address when searching for specific entities.

Using filters to search

Applying filters is one of the easiest ways to find what you are looking for in Dealroom.

Filter bar:

The quickest way to begin filtering the data in Dealroom is by typing directly into the

Filter bar. Looking for companies in Europe? Type ‘Europe’ and select it from the HQ Location. You can try this with industries & sub-industries, funding rounds, tags, business models and more.

TIP #1: You can add a filter and then choose to exclude it from the results. For example, if you are looking for European startups outside of your home country (let’s say Spain – hola!), you can add a filter for HQ location Europe + HQ location Spain. Then select the dropdown next to Spain to choose ‘Exclude’.

TIP #2: Can't find an existing tag? Try the keyword search functionality by typing your topic in the filter bar and hitting enter. E.g. you could try:

Combine keyword search with the existing filters for geography, stage, funding, industries, and, more.

Advanced filters

There are so many different ways to narrow down the database and the Advanced filters section is a great place to start. You’ll see all the different filtering options you can add.

TIP: If you’ve added more than one industry/subindustry or tag, you can choose if you want to include results from both or reduce it down to only companies that have both results. Next to the number of startups & scaleups for that page, click Show results for XX and XX only to toggle between the AND and OR options.

Exporting data

Export the data you need for further analysis anywhere you see the “Export” icon.

Whether you are a Premium or trial user, an export is made by clicking on the Save & export or the Just export button on the right of the query bar. Here, you can choose to save, save & export or just export a search.

Choosing to Save & export the search will allow you to return to the set of filters (search) any time: give the search a name and click on the Save & Export button. The search will be saved and you can continue to choose the columns you wish to export.

Tip #1 : The Dealroom export feature accommodates CSV, Excel and Google Sheets.

The data points you choose do not count towards your total rows. These are viewed as columns meaning you can add as little or as many as you like.

You can select all columns (data points) or simply choose the most important ones for your analysis. To export the data, scroll down the window, choose the document type (CSV, .xlsx, Google Sheets) and click on the Export button.

Note: Every tab (startups & scaleups, corporates, investors, etc) has different exportable columns that you can choose from.

Tip #2 Chart to table: You can now transform data from a chart into a table with a single click.

For example, you can turn the stats of all funded companies into a table by clicking “Table View” here. Form where you can copy the table and paste it anywhere you would like (available for premium users only)

Subscribing to newsletters

Subscribe to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox sends daily and weekly newsletters packed with new data & insights about startups, venture capital, and innovation.

The weekly newsletter is curated by our intelligence unit with the latest industry news & updates. To subscribe to the weekly newsletter, go to your account settings and click on the Subscribe now button next to the weekly newsletter section.

The daily newsletter consists of updates with daily matches from your saved searches and lists. To subscribe to the daily newsletter also go to your account settings and click on the Subscribe now button next to the daily newsletter section.

Tip: The more saved lists and saved searches you have, the more company updates and new matches you will receive in your daily newsletter.

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You can unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. If you wish to do so, go to your account settings and click on the Unsubscribe button. Alternatively, you can also unsubscribe directly from the newsletter in your inbox. For this option click the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page.

Sort and rearrange columns

To easily view the data that is most important to you, you can edit and rearrange the columns. Columns can be sorted and rearranged easily to give a more customised view.

Use the > button to see which additional columns are available to you.

To rearrange or remove the columns, click the three horizontal dots on the right side of the columns. Simply click and drag the hamburger bar to move selections up and now or use the tick boxes to add or remove columns. When you click the column headers, additional sorting will occur.

TIP: Try moving the No. of job openings next to the Employees 12 month growth to get a picture of the current and projected growth for the company.

If a column has a downwards arrow, you can manipulate the data even further. For example, you can add a minimum or maximum number of employees or amount of funding. You can also use these arrows to select a particular industry or sub-industry, type of startup, last round type or location.

Using suggested searches

Start exploring the database and learn what the platform can do

Whether you are learning what the platform can do for you or need some inspiration, the suggested searches are a handy tool to discover new companies and investments.

Viewing the suggested searches can be done through the curated content tab, the dashboard, or any other tabs on the sidebar.

To choose a suggested search from the dashboard, scroll down and choose from the suggested lists or searches, or view more by clicking on the More suggested searches/lists button at the bottom of each box. You will then be redirected to the curated content tab where you can view all public searches and collections.

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To explore the suggested searches from either of the tabs, navigate to your preferred tab and select one of the suggested searches at the top of the page. This will open the search with its preselected filters.

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Tip: you can add more filters to the suggested searches and personalise the search to best match your needs.

Here's an example:

If you want to know which European Seed rounds have taken place in 2020, then:

  1. Click on the Funding Rounds tab in the sidebar (left)

  2. Click on the suggested search "European Seed rounds"

Take a look at the search results here.

Recording Notes on company profiles

The Notes features allows you to communicate with colleagues, other users or simply keep track of important information to reference at a later date.

To add a note, use the search bar at the top of the page to find the company you are looking for. Once in the company profile, navigate to the Notes tab and then select Add note.

You can add text notes, photos, PDFs and YouTube URLs.

You can access your note by returning to the company profile, or accessing saved notes by clicking on the heart icon on the top right of the page. To see all of your notes, click on the All notes tab or click here. Once you click on a note, you will be redirected to the company profile where your note has been stored.

Tip: Want to have your note featured and visible to all? A featured note can fall into one of three categories: Interview, Fundraising, Hiring

Reach-out to us to have your note featured! We would love to hear from you.

Notes can be used to:

- Collaborate with colleagues.

- Leave notes on interesting companies to view at a later time.

- Add applicable links, PDFs and YouTube URLs.

- Notes can also be made public, allowing all Dealroom users to view.

Sharing Notes: Once you have saved your note, you can share this out to other members of your team by selecting the pencil icon. You will now have the option to share the note – simply search for your colleagues, add the user and then save the note.

Public Notes: If you are an employee of the company, you can choose to make notes visible to all Dealroom users by selecting the box for Public. This is a great way to share out pitch packs, important videos or other information that will be useful to those viewing the company profile.

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