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Share Data Set

The Share Data Set Assistant allows you to seamlessly share data sets across EDCs through a series of guided steps.

Updated over a week ago

This article will take you through the entire process. The assistant will guide you through the following steps:

  • Create or select an existing submodel (see Add Submodel).

  • Create an asset connected to this submodel.

  • Create a contract with a defined policy and assigned asset.

  • Optionally, you can publish the asset in the DTR with a shell descriptor (see Digital Twin Registry Details).


Create Policies

We recommend creating the policies before running the assistant (see Define Policies for Contracts).

Step 1 - Start the Process

  1. Navigate to Data Exchange Assistants > Share data set.

  2. Select your Catena-X dataspace from the dropdown.

  3. Select Continue to proceed to the next step.

Step 2 - Create or Select a Submodel

You can either create a new submodel or select an existing submodel.

Option 1 - Creating a New Submodel

  1. Select Create new Submodel and then select Select schema.
    The available semantic models are displayed.

  2. From the list select a suitable semantic model.

  3. Select </> Use JSON template to load sample data into the JSON View area.
    JSON View is filled in with the submodel template using the semantic model from the steps above.

  4. Select Save and Continue to proceed to the next step.

Option 2 - Selecting an Existing Submodel

This option requires an existing submodel (Add a Submodel).

  1. Select Select Submodel.

  2. Select the required submodel service.

  3. Select the appropriate submodel. Ensure the data format corresponds to a specific semantic model.

  4. Select Continue to proceed to the next step.

Step 3 - Creating an Asset

  1. Enter a meaningful Name for the asset.

  2. If needed, select Specify Asset Details to edit additional asset properties.

  3. In section Additional Props select + Add.

    • Enter a meaningful key-value-pair.
      For example: key=productiondate, value=2024-01-01.

    • If you need more key-value-pairs, select + Add.

  4. Select Save to apply all changes.

  5. Review the asset information then select Continue to proceed to the next step.

Step 4 - Create a Contract

To create a contract, we recommend to use existing policies (see Define Policies for Contracts).

The asset from the previous step is automatically attached to the contract via the Asset Selector. The default asset selector is [id] [equals] [id of asset from previous step]

  1. You can add more asset selectors by selecting +.

  2. Select Select existing Policy and Choose Policy for each Access Policy and Usage Policy.

  3. After selecting or creating the policies, you can review the contract details.

  4. Select Continue to proceed to the next step.

Optional Step 5 - Register the Asset in the Digital Twin Registry (DTR)

The registration of the asset is optional.

To continue with the “Share Data Assistant”, the following options are available:

  • If you like to finish, select Finish without registration.

  • If you like to publish the asset in your DTR, proceed with the following instructions. The registration needs a valid shell descriptor to provide users with more information about the digital twin / the asset.

Why Register with DTR?

A shell descriptor in a digital twin registry is a metadata framework that provides a standardized description of a digital twin, including its structure, attributes, and interfaces. It enables interoperability and efficient discovery of digital twins within the registry by defining key identifiers and contextual information.

Proceed with Registation

  1. Select Select DTR. Select your digital twin registry, where the asset will registered.

  2. For the shell descriptor you have the following options:

    • Select Create a new shell descriptor and fill in the information into the textarea.

    • Select Add submodel to an existing shell descriptor then select an existing shell descriptor where you want to add the information. You can add information in the textarea.

  3. Finish the assistant by selecting Register to DTR.

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