This article gives an overview of the general concepts that underpin data sharing within Cofinity-X Dataspace OS.
In Catena-X, a collaborative network primarily for the automotive industry, data sharing within a web dataspace follows a structured approach to ensure secure, interoperable, and efficient data exchange between participants. This environment is designed to help various stakeholders (like manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers) to seamlessly share data in a decentralized manner, while maintaining control over their data assets.
This article gives an overview of the general concepts that underpin data sharing in a web dataspace within Catena-X.
Core Concepts
Dataspace OS consists of the following three core concepts.
Catena-X Dataspace
The dataspace manages all participants.
You participate via your Business Partner Number with the Catena-X Dataspace.
Participant data is hidden from other participants by default. Special Catena-X features are used to share data securely and confidentially.
Participation in Catena-X makes additional services available. For example, functions for the use of data structures according to the usual industry standards - so-called semantic models.
Connectors - like the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC) - are used to exchange data.
The commonly used EDC is a very powerful tool that also manages everything regading data exchange. For example:
defining policies to setup rules how the data is used
connecting with participants for real-time data exchange
monitoring data usage
Submodel and Asset Management
Submodel and asset management is the data store.
While a submodel represents a data set (e.g. one product like a steering wheel) the asset uses the submodel data to be shared with other participants.
The concept of submodel and the explicit use of assets is very useful for exchanging data in a secure, trustworthy and traceable manne
Principal Overview