With the Jupiter release, the process will align with the new Catena-X standard while maintaining the GovernanceFramework as the cornerstone of our governance model. Customers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these changes to ensure a seamless transition and continued adherence to best practices.
What to do
Credential Request Flow
To enable you fully to do active connector communication and negotiations, ensure that you have all necessary credentials in your wallet.
Step 1: Navigate to the "Use Case Participation" page
Via the navigation section "Dataspace Participation".
Step 2: Request your framework credential
Note: Within Jupiter, the Use Case Framework Agreements will get merged to a new credential “DataExchangeGovernanceCredential“. In the Preprod Test environment this won't be available.
Step 3: Submit your request
We will receive your credential request, approve it and you will receive a success message as soon as the credential is created.
You can look up the owned credential within your wallet (via the Profile Menu) inside the portal.