Do you peak on a particular food? Below is a list of products to replace.
White bread
Whole wheat bread | Rye bread | Buckwheat | Low carb bread | Home made bread from almond flour
Whole wheat oatmeal | 'Overnight oats' from cauliflower
White flour
Almond flour | Buckwheat flour | Coconut flour | Chickpea flour
White rice
Brown rice | Wild rice | Riced cauliflower | Riced broccoli | Riced zucchini | Pea rice | Lentil rice
White pasta
Whole wheat pasta | Buckwheat pasta | Chickpea pasta | Red lentil pasta | Courgetti | 'Low carb' pasta | Kohlrabi tagliatelle
Other grains
Bulgur | Couscous | Quinoa | Groats | Lentils
Sweet potato | Pumpkin | Kohlrabi | Marrowfat | Parsnip | Lentils | Beans | Celeriac
Fruit (like banana)
Green apple | Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) | Substitute orange juice for water with lemon juice
Vegetable tips
Kale | Lentils | Beans | Salads
Want to skip alcohol? It is tasty, but harmful to your liver and your health. Kombucha tea is a tasty, almost alcohol-free fermented drink
Instead of Cola: cola light/zero
Coffee or tea with one of the alternatives below
Other types of drinks: almond milk, soy milk, whole milk
Do you want to avoid peaks as much as possible? Stick to (spring) water, tea and coffee.
Milk products
Nut milk | Unsweetened almond milk | Unsweetened soy milk | Unsweetened coconut yoghurt | Unsweetened soy yoghurt | Unsweetened soy quark
Stevia | Xylitol | Erythritol
Jam or chocolate sprinkles low in sugar, such as from Cereal