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Partner Trusts

What is partner trust and how to give partner trust to your partners

Rania Haddad avatar
Written by Rania Haddad
Updated over 3 months ago

Note! You need to have permission-level 'partner manager' to get access to the partners in your organisation. Check this article to get help setting the permission.


Partner Trust allows you to control which partner companies you want to collaborate with and how much information and functionality you wish to share with them. Through this feature, you can grant partner companies access to:

  • Employee Profiles

  • Availability Information

  • Role Matching

  • Your Organization's CV

Employee Profiles

Grant your partners access to view your employees. You also have the option to provide anonymous access, enabling partners to see employees for role matching without viewing their names.


Share availability details with your partners so they can assess your employees' availability when matching for roles.

Role Matching

Allow partners to access role-matching features to identify the best candidates based on skills. In this mode, partners will be able to view the names of your employees.

Organization CV

Authorize your company to share your organization's CV with a partner company, showcasing your expertise and capabilities.

Exploring Partner Trust in Cinode

When a partner company have set up partner trust towards your organisation it can be viewed from the matching > partners on a role. If they've granted you access, you'll be able to view information such as availability, employees, and CVs. Simply click on the CV to open it in your web browser.

The option to provide access to your employees but keep their identities anonymous will be viewed in the below picture. This allows you to match them based on their skills and availability without revealing their names and CVs.

How to give Partner Trust

You are able to give trust to your existing partners and also give trust when inviting a new partner to your network.

To give your existing partner trust follow the steps;

  1. Go to Network > Partners in the sidebar

  2. Open the overview page of the partner you wish to give trust to.

  3. Click 'Trusts' in the overview.

  4. Click "Yes" or "Yes, anonymously" to grant your partner to access your employees when using role matching based on their skills. "Yes" will grant your partners to access your employees and to also see their names while "Yes, anonymously" will grant your partners to access your employees without being able to see their names.

  5. Add your setting, and click "matching"/"availability/CV" to share these features with your partner.

You will see what trust the partner has given you in the right column (grey)

Invite a new partner company to your network and give Partner Trust

  1. Go to Network > Partner network in the sidebar

  2. Click the 'Invite' button of the partner you wish to invite and give trust to.

3. Click "Yes" or "Yes, anonymously" to grant your partner to access your employees when using role matching based on their skills. " "Yes" will grant your partners to access your employees and to also see their names while "Yes, anonymously" will grant your partners to access your employees without being able to see their names.

4. Ad your setting, click "Matching"/"Availability" and "Send" to share these features with your partner give trust when inviting a new partner to your network.

Your partner will now receive a mail regarding the invite and the partner trusts.

When receiving the email you can click on the button "View their company" to filter in the partner network for "invite received". Here you can see your invites from partner companies.

Click on "respond to invite" to accept or decline the invite and set Partner Trust. When you click on "respond to invite" you see what trust they have set up for your company.

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