This view requires explanation for some users. Let's take a look at the fields together.
For which organization are you documenting? - Who is providing the service here?
Assigned To
Which user is responsible for the documentation?
Data protection expert
Which user is the releasing expert?
Data protection officer (optional)
Who is the data protection officer?
Processing activities
Are there existing processing activities from the perspective of the controller?
If Yes - or if you have created this processor activity via “Add processor activity” based on a controller activity, an entry appears here.
Note: If there are no “mirrored” controller activities, this field remains empty.
Responsible person - organizational unit
Who uses the service, i.e. is the client?
If applicable, list your company's organizational units here
Responsible party - External recipients
Who uses the service, i.e. is the client?
If applicable, list your customers here
Note: Most customers do not list any specific customers here if the order processing is provided for a large number of customers.
It is better to create a new External recipient with the title “Customers for order processing XY” (or similar) and link to a customer list or your CRM system if necessary.