If data types are uncategorized, this will also appear in the export of the record of processing activities.
Check for Duplicate Groups of People:
Review your groups of people to identify duplicates. Merge or remove duplicate groups to create a consolidated and clean list.
Add New Data Categories:
Create new data categories as needed based on the specific topics or groupings of your data. This helps refine and better organize the data structure.
Use the Drag-and-Drop Feature:
Utilize the drag-and-drop feature in Caralegal to move data types into the appropriate categories. Select a data type and drag it into the correct category to ensure precise classification.
OR - For Multiple Data Types, Use the "Move" Option:
These steps ensure clear and efficient categorization of data, making it easier to manage and locate information in caralegal.
Commonly used categories include:
DE | ENG |
Gesundheitsdaten | Health Data |
Stammdaten | Master Data |
Bestelldaten | Order Data |
Zahlungsdaten | Payment Data |
Vertragsdaten | Contract Data |
Videoüberwachungsdaten | Video Surveillance Data |
Bewerbungsdaten | Application Data |
Newsletterdaten | Newsletter Data |
Benutzerdaten | User Data |
Gehaltsdaten | Loan Data |
Nutzungsdaten | Usage Data |
Finanzdaten | Finance Data |
Kontaktdaten | Contact Data |