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Add consent / refusal status to BlueConic profiles from external systems
Add consent / refusal status to BlueConic profiles from external systems
Updated today

In BlueConic, you track end user consent status in privacy and consent Objectives. Most often, consent status is collected via a web form that asks customers to agree to various marketing purposes or privacy objectives.

However, if you have already gathered consent status data in a different system, you can still use BlueConic Objectives to store and unify this customer data. Follow the steps below to create objects to store, import, export, and manage consent status:

Note: This article does offer legal advice on privacy and consent. Consult your legal department for legal advice on managing customer consent status for your purposes.

How to import consented/refused status to an Objective

If your organization captures and stores privacy consent status (consented/refused) in a different system, you can import consented / refused information into BlueConic, where it can be stored in profile properties to be used with objectives.

  1. BlueConic has already created a profile property named "Consented objectives" to store consent (and "Refused objectives" to store refusals).

  2. Notice the profile property id is set to 'consented_objectives' and profile property type is 'text':

    How to store privacy consent and refusal in BlueConic.png
  3. If you do not already have a BlueConic consent Objective, create an objective that matches the value you're importing. For example if you are importing a value for "Google_Ads_Consent" your BlueConic objective needs to have a consent id that matches this value: Google_Ads_Consent.

    Google Ads Consent Objective.png

    Note: Before sending data to ad platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you need to determine what consent level and location zone is required by the Ad platform. In most legislation zones this requires that you ask for consent to use data for personalized advertising.

  4. Using a BlueConic import connection, import consent value data from your external system into the "Consented objectives" profile property.

    Consent objectives.png

    In the connection mapping step, use the "Add" rule for the import, so you don't overwrite any existing consent data.

  5. Similarly, you can use a BlueConic import connection, to import refusal data from your external system into the "Refused objectives" profile property. In the connection mapping step, use the "Add" rule for the import, so you don't overwrite any existing consent data.

  6. Now that consent is stored in an objective, you can export BlueConic profiles with content values to your ad platforms as needed.

Managing legislation zones

In order to import consent data for BlueConic profiles, you need to set a legislation zone for those profiles. See Managing privacy for multiple legislation zones to learn more.

Using data processors when importing consent status and legislation zone

BlueConic offers data processors that can add fixed values to your data imports. If you are using one of our connections that has data processors enabled, you can use the "Add Fixed Value" processor to add consent status and/or the legislation zone to your data. You need to add the ID of the objectives, in order to match the objectives in BlueConic.

Add Fixed Value Data Processor.png

If the import connection you're using does not support data processors, you will need to add the ID of the objective in your external system (for example, adding the fixed value 'Google_Ads_Consent' as the objective ID to your consent values).

Need help?

Contact BlueConic Support if you are not using BlueConic consent Objectives but storing consent data in another way, or you have questions and need help setting them up.

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