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Profile Origin Insight
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BlueConic collects visitor and customer data automatically when your visitors' and customers' profiles are created. With the Profile Origin insight you can discover whether your customers first arrived over the web (mobile or desktop), via a mobile app, or from another system through a connection. Having visibility into where your customers originate can help you to increase engagement and to discover which sources yield customers with the highest value, for example.

Profile properties for tracking customer origins

When profiles are created or imported, BlueConic stores details about customers' origins in three Origin of profile properties. See Profile origins for details on the data stored in these profile properties.

Note: The Profile Origin insight displays the type and source of your profiles from the Origin of profile level 1: Type and Origin of profile level 2: Source profile properties.

The example below illustrates the Profile Origin insight, showing customers' original point of contact coming from desktop, BlueConic connections, mobile web, and native apps. It also shows the group of profiles whose origins couldn't be determined.

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How to create a Profile Origin Insight in BlueConic

  1. Open (or create) a BlueConic Dashboard.

  2. Click Add Insight and search for Profile Origin in the list of available insight types.

  3. Select the Profile Origin Insight plugin. It's created and placed on the current Dashboard.
    When the insight appears it displays the first touch point of your current profiles: connection, web, mobile web, or native app.


Trace where profiles originate

Clicking on a section of the Profile Origin insight flips the image so you can zero in on that profile category. For example, you can drill down to see how many profiles originated through various systems' connections to BlueConic.

Clicking on the Connections ring shows in detail the number of profiles that were imported via specific connections. For profiles originally created via a Connection, BlueConic shows the profile source stored in the Origin of profile level 2: Source profile property to display the original system from which the profiles were imported.

how do I trace the customer origin points for first-party customer profiles in BlueConic to discover customer journey origins?

View customer segments by origin

The Profile Origin insight lets you view profile origins for a segment of customers (for example, to see the origins of all Apple users). Marketing teams can see whether all customers who are Highly Engaged first arrived via web, mobile, connections, or native apps.

In the top right-hand corner of the Profile Origin insight, click the Settings wheel and choose a customer segment to visualize in the insight.

how do I use the first-party customer profile origin insight in BlueConic CDP?

Export profile origin data

You can click the Export icon in the top right-hand corner of the insight to download an Excel file with profile data that shows details on each profile's origin. In the resulting Excel file, each source type (web, mobile, etc.) has its own tab. The first column shows the source stored in Origin of profile level 2: Source, and the second column displays the number of profiles from this source. The third column displays the source type.

See Profile origins for details on these profile properties.

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