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Simple Survey Toolbar
Updated over 2 months ago

The Simple Survey Toolbar is a specialized BlueConic plugin that adds a survey insert icon to the toolbar of the BlueConic content editor. This enables you to build surveys for users to fill out on your channels. A survey consists of one or more questions with one or more scored answers. The visitor will get to see the questions one at a time. Answers, scores, and totals are stored in properties of the visitors profile.

To view the results of a survey, add a Survey Results insight to a dashboard.

Note: To install the Simple Survey Toolbar plugin, follow the instructions for adding a plugin in our Knowledge Base or contact your Customer Success Manager.

Adding a survey

To add a survey, click "Insert Object" in an existing dialogue and choose the option "Survey."

How do I add a simple survey to my BlueConic site?

Inserting a survey inserts an empty canvas in the editor and will open a tabbed lightbox with form controls. The lightbox itself can be repositioned on the page by dragging it using the drag bar on its left side.

The following sections discuss each tab in detail.

Editing in the lightbox will automatically update the preview on the editing canvas. When you are done editing close the lightbox, click OK to confirm the edit and finally click Save to save the changed dialogue.


On this tab you construct your survey by adding questions.

How do I create a survey in BlueConic and add questions?

Click the Add Question button to add a new question to the survey. To edit a question, click its text, this will take you to the Question Details tab. To change the order of the questions, hover over the question, grab its handle on the left and drag the question to its intended location.

To delete a question, hover over its name and click the delete icon that appears on the right.

Question Details

This tab automatically opens when you click on a question on the Overview tab and enables you to edit the details of the selected question. Note that the active question is also displayed on the page. Changes to the question or its answers are reflected on the page so you can see how the result will look.

How do I format and add questions to a BlueConic survey?

Navigating between questions

There are a couple of options to navigate between questions:

  • Click the navigation arrow buttons at the bottom of the Question Details tab to go to the next or the previous question.

  • Open the Overview tab and click the question you want to go to.


On the Styling tab you can modify the look of your survey.

How to edit or modify the style CSS and look of an online survey with BlueConic?

After Submit

On this tab you specify what happens after the user clicks the button to submit the form.

What happens once a customer submits a BlueConic survey?
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