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Dialogues Overview
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Dialogues are at the core of online customer interactions, enabling real-time conversations based on visitor profiles and behavior. These dialogues can be visual, communicative, or data-driven, and often a combination of all three.

Dialogues offer diverse interaction methods, such as dynamic content, banners, lightboxes, forms, and email triggers. Each dialogue can have multiple variations, allowing for optimization to identify the most effective approach for achieving specific goals.

Organize and manage dialogues

To get started with dialogues:

  1. Navigate to Dialogues in the main menu.

  2. The Dialogues page displays a table of dialogues that are configured in your tenant. Search, filter, and customize the columns.

  3. Click the name of a dialogue to open its details.

How do I create individualized marketing content with BlueConic dialogues?

Create a dialogue

To create a new dialogue:

  1. Click the Add dialogue button.

  2. Choose a dialogue type from the pop-up window.

  3. Give the dialogue a name.

  4. (Optional) Edit the dialogue's metadata.

  5. Save your settings.

5. Configure the Who tab

  1. Click Select condition to begin defining visitor criteria for profiles for whom the dialogue is intended.

  2. Select from segments, objectives, groups, or profile properties.

  3. Refine your audience by combining multiple criteria, similar to building a segment.

  4. Save your settings.

6. Configure the When tab

  1. Use the When tab to control dialogue visibility by date and time.

  2. Assign a dialogue priority to resolve conflicts when multiple dialogues target the same position. Higher priority dialogues are favored.

  3. Use the Add rule dropdown to create date/time restrictions.

  4. View the effective schedule in the "Dialogue Schedule" section (green=valid, white=invalid).

  5. Save your settings.

7. Configure the Where tab:

  1. Click Add channel to select where the dialogue should be active. Ensure the plugin works with the channel type (website/mobile). Red channels indicate incompatibility.

  2. (Optional) Click Add rule to further restrict the dialogue to specific pages. Specify the page URL or URL pattern and toggle between "Restrict" and "Don't show" for the specified URL.

  3. Save your settings.

8. Configure the What tab:

  1. This is where you can make decisions about what the dialogue looks like on your channel and how it appears. Open the righthand sidebar to:

    1. Load dialogue examples

    2. Configure the styling settings

    3. Adjust when and how the dialogue will appear

    4. Incorporate closing settings

    5. Apply JavaScript code

  2. (Optional) Specify a click event selector by opening the Properties window in the right sidebar and choosing Advanced Settings.

  3. (Optional) Choose the dialogue position by selecting a highlighted area on the page, choosing a named position, or via the visual picker.

  4. Save your settings.

9. Configure the Why tab:

  1. Define a conversion moment for when viewers of this dialogue are considered converted. Choose one of the following options and click Create:

    • Web: Content (URL visit with specific content)

      1. Choose the conversion area by selecting standard HTML containing the target word, or define a custom area using a jQuery selector or the Visual Picker.

      2. Specify conversion words by entering each word and clicking Add, then OK. Defining multiple words uses AND logic.

      3. Define a URL.

    • Web: Click (Click within a defined area on a URL)

      • Choose the conversion area by selecting standard HTML containing the target word, or define a custom area using a jQuery selector or the Visual Picker.

      • Define a URL.

    • Web: URL (Visit to a specific URL)

      • Define a URL.

    • Profile Property (Text profile property changes to a defined value)

      • Choose a profile property.

      • Specify a value by typing it in and clicking Add, then OK.

    • Native App: Screen Visit (Visit to a named screen in a mobile app)

      • Enter a screen name.

      • Select a channel.

  2. (Optional) Enable Allow conversion after only a view occurs (view-through) to track conversions when a visitor views the dialogue without making any clicks.

  3. Save your settings.

Next steps


If I change the dialogue position in the "What" tab, what happens to the "Where" tab settings?

The "Where" tab settings will automatically update to reflect the new position. Always review the "Where" tab after changing the "What" tab to ensure your placement is correct before going live.

When do I not need to specify a click event selector in a dialogue?

You don't need to specify a click event selector for:

  • Links in recommendation dialogues

  • Buttons in BlueConic forms

  • Buttons in "Cookie Consent by Continuation" dialogues

  • Buttons in GDPR-related dialogues.

How can I change the dialogue type?

To change the type of dialogue you have chosen, go to the "What" tab and select a different plugin from the Properties box in the right sidebar. The plugin determines the dialogue's appearance and functionality (e.g., content, lightbox, recommendations). Ensure the selected plugin is compatible with your channel type (website or mobile app), as indicated by the icon next to the plugin name. You can also configure plugin-specific settings within the Properties window.

What is a conversion moment?

A conversion moment occurs when:

  • The dialogue's defined event is registered.

  • A click on the dialogue is registered.

  • Or, a view-through conversion is registered after only a view occurs.

It's the point where a user's action (click or view) can be directly linked to a dialogue's success in achieving its goal.

What happens if I add a conversion rule to a dialogue after it has already been running?

Conversions will not be retroactively attributed. The conversion rule will only track conversions from the moment it is created onwards. Therefore, set up your conversion rules before your dialogue goes live.

Can a profile property change from a connection import trigger a dialogue conversion?

No. If a profile property change, intended to indicate conversion, originates from a connection import, it won't register as a conversion. This is because the change wasn't directly caused by the visitor's interaction with the dialogue.

Can I use a URL pattern instead of an exact URL for conversion tracking?

Yes, you can use a regular expression to define a URL pattern. Keep in mind these rules:

  • Wildcards are automatically added before and after the entered URL.

  • Use ^ at the beginning for an exact match at the start of the URL.

  • Use $ at the end for an exact match at the end of the URL.

  • Use .* (not *) to specify a wildcard within the URL pattern.

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