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Prebid.js Connection
Updated over 2 months ago

What: The Prebid.js connection allows you to export BlueConic profiles to Prebid.js to optimize your advertisement header bidding and target tailored audiences.

Why: By connecting your BlueConic data to Prebid.js, you will be able to more efficiently bid on advertisements based on your segments.

Adding a Prebid.js connection

  1. Click Connections in the Navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Check the Show all box. Enter “Prebid.js” in the Search bar and click Prebid.js connection.

  4. The Prebid.js connection page opens.

    You can expand or collapse metadata fields (favorite, labels, and description) by clicking the gray chevron at the top of the page.

Configuring a Prebid.js connection


To use the Prebid.js connection, define channels on the setup page:

  • Channels - Select the channels for the connection to be active on and optionally add limitations. When one of these channels is visited, data is exported.

    How to use BlueConic with Prebid.js

Data exchange shows the total number of unique profiles that have been exported via the connection. Note that these are unique profiles. If the same profile is exported multiple times, it is counted as 1.

how to use a CDP with Prebid.js

To make the connection work, you have to add at least one goal, save your information, and switch the connection on.

Export data from BlueConic to Prebid.js

To export BlueConic segments into Prebid.js custom audiences, follow the steps laid out in the export goal.

  1. Select a segment to export.

    Select a BlueConic segment to narrow down the Prebid.js export. Only profiles in this segment will be exported.

    Exporting customer segments and audiences to Prebid.js
  2. Map BlueConic segments to Prebid.js audiences.
    Map BlueConic segments to the corresponding audiences in Prebid.js you want to target.

    using BlueConic to map audience segments to Prebid.js audiences

Once the connection is configured, saved, and turned on, it will begin exporting.

Connection status

Once you've set up and saved your connection, the icon at the top will reflect the status of the connection.

How publishers build custom audiences using a customer data platform with Prebid.js and the BlueConic prebid.js connection

There is an arrow showing data is being exported from BlueConic to Prebid.js. When the arrows are green, the connection is ready to be used.

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. The connection will only work if the visitor consented to at least one of the objectives that it is linked to.

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