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Concatenate fields processor
Updated over 2 months ago
Using data processors, preprocessors, and processors with BlueConic

In select BlueConic connections, when setting up a data import or export, you can use the Concatenate fields processor to link together values from different fields and make them available as a new field. For example, to create a full list of customer interests from multiple channels or to generate a full address from geographic attributes.

Adding this data processor to a connection

The Concatenate fields data processor is available in all BlueConic connections that use data processors. You can review the complete list here.

Each of these connections has a specific step on its import and/or export goal page to add data processors (e.g., "Correct your files before the import," "Modify your data before the export"). In that step, use the search box to add "Concatenate"; once added, it appears in a numbered list of data processors activated for that connection.


For more information, review the full article Using data processors with BlueConic connections.

Configuring this data processor

The Concatenate fields data processor requires some configuration to ensure that BlueConic imports or exports the data correctly. To make these configurations, click the cog wheel icon next to "Concatenate fields" in the numbered list of data processors. This opens a window with the following configuration settings:

  • Existing fields: Select the fields (or CSV columns) with the source values you want to concatenate. Drag and drop the fields in the order you want to link them.

  • Created field: Enter a name for the newly created field. In this field, the source values will be concatenated.

  • Value separator: Enter the separator you want to add between the values from the source fields in the concatenated field.

  • Duplicate values: Check this box to run a test for duplicate values in the selected existing fields. If duplicate values exist, they will be removed and only counted once in the created field. Note: This only works if your multi-value separator is the same as the concatenate separator.


Sample scenarios for using this data processor

Review the following scenarios to see how you would set up the Concatenate fields data processor to clean up your data for optimal use:


Example settings

Create a list of all interests or topics a customer has opted-in for across channels

Existing fields: Facebook interests, Website interests, Newsletter interests, etc.

Created field: Customer interests

Value separator: ,

Duplicate values: Remove

Combine geographic location attributes to create a full customer address

Existing fields: Street, Town, State, Zip Code

Created field: Full address

Value separator: ,

Duplicate values: Not required

Link parts of a name to create a full name

Existing fields: First name, Middle initial, Last name

Created field: Full name

Value separator: None

Duplicate values: Not required

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