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ActiveCampaign Connection
Updated over a week ago

What: You can use the ActiveCampaign connection to enrich BlueConic profiles with data from ActiveCampaign, and to export profile data to ActiveCampaign. This connection supports scheduled batch import and export.

Why: By bringing ActiveCampaign data into BlueConic, you can individualize your customers' experience on-site or in-app. By using BlueConic's unique behavioral data collection engine, you can enable highly relevant marketing campaigns.

Creating an ActiveCampaign connection

  1. Click Connections in the BlueConic navigation bar.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. A pop-up window appears. Enter "ActiveCampaign" in the Search bar.

  4. Click ActiveCampaign connection.
    The ActiveCampaign connection page opens. You can expand or collapse the metadata fields (favorite, labels, and description) by clicking the gray chevron at the top of the page.

  5. In the metadata section you can choose whether to get email notifications when the connection runs or fails to run.

  6. Enter a name for your connection at the top of the page.

Configuring an ActiveCampaign connection

Setting up the connection

  1. Select Set up and run in the Setup section in the left panel.

  2. Enter your ActiveCampaign account credentials: the endpoint (hostname) and the API key.
    To find your API key, use the Settings > Developer menu in your ActiveCampaign environment. Each ActiveCampaign user has his or her own unique API key. Learn more at ActiveCampaign.

  3. Select Save to store your setup.

To make the connection work, you have to add at least one import or export goal, save your settings, and switch the connection on. In the goals, specify how data from BlueConic should be linked and mapped to ActiveCampaign.

Importing data from ActiveCampaign into BlueConic

In the left-hand panel, select Import data into BlueConic and follow the steps laid out in the import goal.

  1. Select which ActiveCampaign contacts to import: all contacts or just a selection of contacts.
    If you choose to import only a selection of contacts, a menu appears where you can select individual lists in ActiveCampaign. Use the checkbox Allow to create new profiles to choose to create new profiles in BlueConic for new contacts that exist in ActiveCampaign but not BlueConic.
    Optional: Select the "Save the lists..." checkbox to save the name of ActiveCampaign list from which the profile is imported or enriched. Click into the Search box to select an existing profile property or to create a new one here, to keep track of the ActiveCampaign lists that enriched or created a profile in BlueConic.

    How to configure the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic
  2. Link the identifiers between ActiveCampaign contacts and BlueConic profiles by mapping the unique identifiers from both systems. Select an ActiveCampaign field and the corresponding BlueConic profile property it should match.

    How to link identifiers in the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

    You can add multiple identifier mappings, in which case all mappings have to match simultaneously to have a valid match between an ActiveCampaign contact and a BlueConic profile.

    If no match for an ActiveCampaign contact can be found in BlueConic, either the contact will not be imported or a new BlueConic profile is created, depending on whether the creation of new profiles was allowed for the list. ActiveCampaign contacts that contain no value for the ActiveCampaign identifier are excluded from the import.

  3. Map ActiveCampaign fields to the corresponding BlueConic profile properties.

    How to map data fields in the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

    Use the Set drop-down menu to select how to import data:

    • Set

    • Set if empty

    • Add the data field to the list of existing values.

    • Sum a number with the existing values (if the data field is a number).

  4. Click Save on the top right corner of the screen to save your import goal. See Running the connection below.

Optional: If you want to add an additional import goal, click Add goal in the left-hand panel and choose Import goal.

Exporting data from BlueConic to ActiveCampaign

In the left-hand panel, select Export data to ActiveCampaign and follow the steps laid out in the export goal.

  1. Select a BlueConic segment to export profile data from.
    In the top right-hand corner, the number of profiles available for export appears. This number shows how many profiles meet the conditions for the selected segment and therefore are available for export. The actual number of profiles exported might be lower than the number displayed here.

  2. Link identifiers between BlueConic and ActiveCampaign.
    Determine how BlueConic profiles and ActiveCampaign list entries are matched by linking the identifiers from both systems. Select the ActiveCampaign field and select which BlueConic profile property it should match:

    How to share customer data using the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

    If no existing contact is found, a new contact will be created (as long as there is an email address for the new contact).

  3. Map BlueConic data to the corresponding ActiveCampaign fields.


    Each mapping rule has a BlueConic selection on the left-hand side, and the ActiveCampaign field it should map to on the right-hand side. Click the BlueConic icon to open a drop-down menu where you can select the type(s) of information to match and export:

    • Profile property: The value of a specific profile property.

    • BlueConic profile identifier: The unique identifier for a profile.

    • Associated segments: All segments, or a selection of one or more specific segments that the profile is associated with.

    • Associated lifecycles: All lifecycles this profile is associated with.

    • All viewed interactions (all time): The interactions that the profile has seen.

    • Permission level: The permission level set in the profile.

    • Text value: Enter any static text.

  4. Optional: Select ActiveCampaign lists you want exported contacts assigned to. This is for contacts already present in ActiveCampaign as well as contacts added by BlueConic.

  5. Optional: Select the checkbox Resubscribe inactive ActiveCampaign contacts when exported to ActiveCampaign to synchronize list membership in ActiveCampaign with segment membership in BlueConic.
    Optional: Allow contacts to be unsubscribed from ActiveCampaign lists.

  6. Set a Lifecycle threshold for this goal.
    This connection goal is included as a marketing touchpoint in a Lifecycle stage that has a threshold set to prevent campaign pressure on profiles in this stage. Here you can specify the events that should increment the stage threshold (and count as +1) for the ActiveCampaign lists to which this goal exports data.

    For example, you can increment the associated stage threshold count by 1 each time a profile opens an ActiveCampaign email.

  7. Click Save in the top right-hand corner of the window to save your export goal. Run the connection.

Running the ActiveCampaign connection

To run the connection, turn the connection on at the top of the page and save your changes.

How to run the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

Use the settings in the Run history section of the Set up and run page. See Scheduling connections for information on running the connection.

Connection status

Once you've set up and saved your connection, the icon at the top of the window reflects the status of the connection.

How to check the status of the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

Arrows run from ActiveCampaign to BlueConic and vice versa, signifying the direction of the import or export. When the arrow is green, the connection is ready to be used.

In the Data exchange section of the Set up and run page, you can see the number of unique profiles that have been imported and exported via the connection. Note that these are unique profiles -- for example, if the same profile is exported multiple times, it is counted only once.

How to share customer data for privacy management with the ActiveCampaign connection in BlueConic

Privacy management

Connections can be added to Objectives, allowing for privacy management of the information that is being picked up. A connection will only process the profiles of visitors who have consented to at least one of the objectives that the connection is linked to.

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