BlueConic customers can use firehose connections to stream profiles and event data to cloud-based systems including Amazon Kinesis, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Microsoft Azure Event Hubs. When you set up a connection, you establish streaming goals that specify the events and data to stream from BlueConic.
Setting firehose streaming goals
This section shows sample firehose streaming goals and the firehose messages they produce. To create, configure, and run a connection, see the connection page for your cloud system:
Streaming updated profile properties
This example shows and sends updated user profiles through a firehose to a cloud system. In the example below, the values of the profile properties "Last Visited Date" and "Email Address" will be sent to the firehose if the profile has changed. (Even if these two profile properties themselves have not changed, these values will be sent to the stream if other values of the profile have changed.)
Message sent through the firehose: You'll notice the profile property IDs sent are 'lastvisitdate' and 'email' for the changed visitor profile. Because the Export segments box is checked, the two segments that the visitor belongs to are sent as well.
{ "eventDateTime":"1538119536237", "eventType":"PROFILE_CHANGED", "profile":{ "id":"e6fe897a-0e76-934c-8dd0-844fc380af72", "properties":{ "lastvisitdate":[ "1538119531026" ], "email":[ "" ], }, "segments":[ { "id":"0e3e6219-108c-47b4-8342-3bc2fb32f451", "name":"2 - 4 visits" }, { "id":"2caadd28-a4d1-4177-b4c7-7a87b55d58ff", "name":"Visitors with an email address" } ] } }
Details on timing
Profile changes are sent to the firehose 2 minutes after the last change to the BlueConic profile. Learn about real-time data for firehose streaming.
Streaming customer click data with full profile properties
In this example, we want to send firehose messages when dialogue clicks occur and send full profile properties, the name of the dialogue clicked, and dialogue variants.
Sample message: Note: we removed the full list of profile properties for brevity.
{ "eventDateTime":"1538119536237", "eventType":"DIALOGUE_CLICK_EVENT", "profile":{ "id":"e6fe897a-0e76-934c-8dd0-844fc380af72" }, "dialogue":{ "dialogueId":"09c6816f-e366-5c5b-b73f-2f741e0196ed", "dialogueName":"Subscription Lightbox", "variantId":"e3ae6e06-73be-38bc-bb4f-9e977fccb7a8", "variantName":"Variant A" } }
Streaming customer conversion data with details on variants
It can be valuable to analyze customer conversion events by examining messages -- which dialogues did a customer see or click before the conversion happened?
Sample message: In this example, BlueConic sends the dialogue that 'won' the conversion (Content Meter ONE), as well as the two dialogue variants that 'lost' the conversion (which are placed in the "otherCandidates" section of the message). The dialogues that lost the conversion have a 'last viewed' or 'last clicked' moment that is older for this profile compared to the winning dialogue.
{ "eventDateTime":"1538119536237", "eventType":"DIALOGUE_CONVERSION_EVENT", "profile":{ "id":"e6fe897a-0e76-934c-8dd0-844fc380af72" }, "dialogue":{ "dialogueId":"09c6816f-e366-6c6d-b73f-2f741e0196ed", "dialogueName":"Content Meter ONE", "variantId":"e3ae6e06-73be-38bc-bb4f-9e977fccb7a8", "variantName":"Variant A" }, "otherCandidates":[ { "dialogueId":"781c7642-ca2c-60b3-8c8c-ee7df348ca37", "dialogueName":"Content Meter TWO", "variantId":"09810450-dfb7-59d8-932f-9ee5220f3abd", "variantName":"Variant A" }, { "dialogueId":"09c6816f-e366-6c6d-b73f-2f741e0196ed", "dialogueName":"Content Meter ONE", "variantId":"856ae2bc-018c-445c-de23-cc91aa6edf34", "variantName":"Variant B" } ] }
Streaming custom event details
BlueConic allows you to trigger custom events that pick up on user behavior or changes. For example, if a visitor puts an item in a shopping cart or signs up for a newsletter, a custom event can be triggered. You can stream these events to the firehose by selecting the events you want to stream (all custom events or selected ones).
Sample message: In this message, the custom event measures the customer's exit intent. The message also sends dialogue variants that were shown to this customer after the custom event occurred.
{ "eventDateTime":"1538119536237", "eventType":"CUSTOM_EVENT", "customEventId":"exitintent", "profile":{ "id":"e6fe897a-0e76-934c-8dd0-844fc380af72" }, "dialogues":[ { "dialogueId":"781c7642-ca2c-60b3-8c8c-ee7df348ca37", "dialogueName":"Content Meter TWO", "variantId":"09810450-dfb7-59d8-932f-9ee5220f3abd", "variantName":"Variant C" }, { "dialogueId":"927a8162-cd91-00b1-93ab-8361caed92d6", "dialogueName":"Content Meter THREE", "variantId":"856ae2bc-018c-445c-de23-cc91aa6edf34", "variantName":"Variant A" } ] }