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SQL query examples for timeline event rollups
Updated over 2 months ago

With the timeline event rollups feature, BlueConic enables you to query timeline events and store the results in profile properties for activation or export. Rollups include a Basic mode for configuring common, straightforward use cases and an SQL mode for more complex queries and advanced use cases.

This article provides information and examples of queries you would develop in SQL mode.

Using the SQL editor to write queries in AlaSQL

In SQL mode, the built-in SQL editor allows BlueConic developers to write SQL queries directly in AlaSQL (version 4.5.2). For more information, review the article Using SQL mode for timeline event rollups.

It is important to note that AlaSQL uses a slightly different syntax from traditional SQL. For instance, column names containing spaces are enclosed in backticks ` rather than double quotes "". For more details, review this AlaSQL page, which outlines the supported constructs.

Example queries





All profiles that placed an order for a product with the tag 'Women'


`order_product_tag`.`value` AS `all_tags`



LEFT JOIN `order_product` ON `order_event`.`row_id` = `order_product`.`order_event_row_id`

LEFT JOIN `order_product_tag` ON `order_product`.`row_id` = `order_product_tag`.`order_product_row_id`

Order tag

Order tag will be stored in the profile; tag ‘Women’ can be defined at the segment.

All profiles of customers where the total order value for products with tag 'X' exceeded $500

select SUM(total_revenue) as totalOrderValue

from order_event

where row_id in (

select order_product.order_event_row_id

from order_product

inner join order_product_tag ON order_product.row_id = order_product_tag.order_product_row_id

where order_product_tag.value = 'X')

Total order value

The total order value will be stored in the profile; 500 can be defined at the segment.

All profiles of customers where the average order value exceeded $100

select AVG(total_revenue) from order_event

Average order value

The average order value will be stored in the profile; 100 can be defined at the segment.

All profiles of customers where the total order value exceeded $1,000

select SUM(total_revenue) from order_event

Total order value

The total order value will be stored in the profile; 1000 can be defined at the segment.

All profiles that clicked an email in period X - Y

select count(row_id) as nrClicked

from email_link_clicked_event

where date > DATE('2022-12-1')

AND date < DATE('2023-1-1')

Number of emails clicked

Number of clicked emails will be stored in the profile; > 0 can be defined at the segment.

All profiles that received an email in period X - Y and did not click an email in period X - Y

select count(email_delivered_event.row_id)

from email_delivered_event

where date > DATE('2022-12-1')

AND date < DATE('2023-1-1')

and email_id not in (

select email_id

from email_link_clicked_event

where date > DATE('2022-12-1')

AND date < DATE('2023-1-1')


Number of emails delivered

Number of products purchased in the profile lifetime

select count(distinct(sku)) `Number of unique products`

from order_event

left join order_product on order_product.order_event_id =

Number of unique products

Number of products purchased in last A months

select count(distinct(sku)) `Number of unique SKUs`

from order_event

left join order_product on order_product.order_event_id =

WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, date, NOW()) < 1

Number of products purchased in the last month

Number of days between last 2 orders

select DATEDIFF(Day, MIN(date), MAX(date)) `Number of days between the last two orders`

from order_event


id IN (

select top 2 id

from order_event

order by date desc


AND (select COUNT(*) from order_event) > 1

Number of days

Date of last purchase

select MAX(eventDate) from order_event

Date of last order

Top 3 tags that a customer bought products for

select top 3 order_product_tag.value,

count(order_product.row_id) as myCount

from order_event

inner join order_product on order_product.order_event_row_id = order_event.row_id

inner join order_product_tag on order_product_tag.order_product_row_id = order_product.row_id

group by order_product_tag.value

order by count(*) desc

Tags and the number of products bought

Joining multiple event types

In SQL mode, it is possible to join multiple event types, as long as there is a linking identifier.


COUNT(order_event.row_id) AS Number_of_unrefunded_orders



WHERE order_event.order_id not in (

select order_refund_event.source_order_id from order_refund_event


Count of the number of orders that aren’t partially refunded

A sub-query is used so that an order that has multiple related refund events aren’t counted as duplicates.



COUNT(order_event.row_id) AS Number_of_Iphone_orders




order_event.row_id IN (






LOWER( LIKE ('%iphone%')


Count of the number of iPhones ordered

The exact model (iPhone 14, iPhone 15, etc.) doesn’t matter.

Top event


TOP(1) AS Last_ordered_product_name



LEFT JOIN order_product ON order_event.row_id = order_product.order_event_row_id


Name of the latest ordered product

All profiles that ordered in last X days

select MAX(date) as last_order_date from order_event

Last order date

The last order date will be stored in the profile. Within the segment, use condition “within last X days.”

All profiles that ordered a product with the tag 'X' in last Y days

select MAX(date) as 'last X order date'

from order_event

inner join order_product ON order_event.row_id = order_product.order_event_row_id

inner join order_product_tag ON order_product_tag.order_product_row_id = order_product.row_id

where order_product_tag.value = 'X'

Last order date

The last order date will be stored in the profile. Within the segment, use condition “within last X days.”

All profiles that ordered Z products with tag 'X', but they did not buy products with tag 'Y' in the last 10 days.

select COUNT(DISTINCT order_event.row_id) as nrProducts

from order_event

inner join order_product ON order_event.row_id = order_product.order_event_row_id

inner join order_product_tag ON order_product_tag.order_product_row_id = order_product.row_id

where DATEDIFF(Day, date, NOW()) < 10

AND order_product_tag.value = 'X'


select COUNT(row_id) as nrProducts

from order_event inner join order_product ON order_event.row_id = order_product.order_event_row_id

inner join order_product_tag ON order_product_tag.order_product_row_id = order_product.row_id

where DATEDIFF(Day, date, NOW()) < 10 AND order_product_tag.value = 'Y') = 0".

Number of products ordered

Number of products ordered will be stored in the profile; Z can be defined at the segment.

All profiles of customers that ordered at least twice in the last 1 year

select COUNT(row_id)
from order_event
where DATEDIFF(Year, date, NOW()) < 1

Number of orders

The number of orders will be stored in the profile; "twice" can be defined at the segment.

All product tags that someone ordered products for

select order_product_tag.value
from order_event
left join order_product on order_product.order_event_row_id = order_event.row_id
left join order_product_tag on order_product_tag.order_product_row_id = order_product.row_id
WHERE DATEDIFF(Month, date, NOW()) < 1

All unique tags

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