Can't seem to get your connection to work properly? Here are some tips and tricks to help you figure out what might be going wrong.
Resolving authentication errors
If you encounter errors authenticating a connection in BlueConic, there are a few steps you can take to correct the problem.
In your web browser: |
In the system you're connecting to: |
On your network or local system: |
In BlueConic: |
Common error messages
Here are a few of the most common error messages that occur when configuring connections and how to resolve them.
No active goal
Make sure at least one goal is set up correctly, saved, and turned on to run the connection. Use the checkbox next to import or export goals to make them active (checked) or inactive (unchecked). This example shows an active import goal, and an inactive export goal in a sample connection.
For details: See the documentation for your particular type of connection for detailed steps to set up and configure the connection goals.
Goal is not configured correctly
Check that each required step in your connection import or export goal is filled in and error-free. Then save your changes, and activate the goal by checking the box in the left-hand panel.
No list / data extension / account / segment / etc. selected
Verify that all steps for the active connection goal have been filled in or uploaded correctly. See the documentation for your specific connection for configuration steps for import and/or export goals.
Mapping data is incorrect
Confirm that all data that is mapping two systems together are correctly matched. Check the mapping step(s) in your import or export goals for your specific connection type to make sure the data is correct. Here's an example mapping step:
Authentication not correct
Make sure all of your authentication credentials are matching and spelled correctly. Check the Setup and run page of your connection to verify your authentication credentials are entered correctly. See Resolving authentication errors for additional details.
This example shows where you enter authentication details. Exact fields and requirements vary depending on the system you're connecting to:
Authentication incomplete
Verify that all steps of the authentication are filled out correctly. Check the Setup and run page of your connection to verify your authentication credentials are entered correctly. See Resolving authentication errors for additional details.
Identifiers missing or incorrect
Verify that all steps of the connection goals are filled out and spelled correctly. BlueConic uses for matching identifiers between your BlueConic profile data and the other system to ensure accuracy in matching visitors or customers. See Unique identifiers to learn more about identifiers and see the documentation for your specific connection for configuration steps. Here's an example of the matching identifiers step:
No matching field found
For CSV-based connections, confirm that the CSV headers match with the matching configuration, that the required data processors are enabled and configured correctly, and that the first record in the primary CSV file holds a value in the column that is configured as a linking identifier. For more tips, refer to Best practices for exchanging data via CSV files in BlueConic.
No such file
This type of error indicates that either the target directory is not available or not accessible in an SFTP Connection.
If you confirm that the SFTP target directory is available and set up properly, we recommend reviewing the user directory and the SFTP target directory. You can run into issues if the user directory for the connection is the same as the SFTP target directory (see Export profiles from BlueConic goal). We recommend making the user directory at least one folder above the SFTP target directory.
Process did not exit normally
Indicates a memory issue or a temporary system/network hiccup. If the error persists and the connection is large (i.e., many import/export goals), split the connection up into several connections so the goals are spread across multiple connections. Make a copy of the connection using the 'Save as' command, and then remove goals as needed.
Run exceeded max run time of…
The maximum allowed run time for a connection has been exceeded. By default, this limit is 24 hours.
If this is for a one-time import or export of a large amount of data, please submit a Support ticket. BlueConic Support can assist with a temporary run time limit increase. Otherwise, please review the data being imported or exported to see if steps can be taken to optimize runtimes. For example, exports can be optimized by splitting up a segment so that a smaller number of profiles is processed.
If you are interested in a long-term runtime limit increase, please reach out to your Account Manager or Partner Manager.
Unable to connect
This error can occur in SFTP Connections if the credentials do not match. Ensure that you can connect to the SFTP server with your own SFTP client using the same credentials as configured in the connection.
Unable to download or parse
Verify that the file with the path mentioned in the error message exists on the SFTP server or that the SFTP user configuring the connection has read access to the file.
Cannot destructure timeline event...
This error can occur in connections that support the import of timeline events and happens when the import goal references a timeline event that has been deleted. Resolve this error by creating a timeline event with the same event ID. Once this is done, changes can be made and the connection will save successfully.
Example error text:
"Cannot destructure property 'timelineStepWidget' of ;this._widgetCache.get(...)' as it is undefined"
Still having trouble?
If you’ve followed these troubleshooting steps and still have an issue running a connection, contact BlueConic Support at