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Export Affilizz Data to CSV

Step-by-step guide to export your affiliate data from Affilizz to Google Sheets or Excel

Simon Ducoulombier avatar
Written by Simon Ducoulombier
Updated over a week ago

Exporting all your data in CSV format can be crucial for analysis and preparing detailed reports. It’s not only possible but also simple: an API is available to retrieve this information.

💡 Don’t be intimidated by the term "API." By carefully following the steps outlined here, the process is accessible to everyone. Plan for 20 to 30 minutes to complete the setup.

Prefer to jump straight to the technical documentation? Here it is!

Step 1: Generating Your Affilizz API Key

  1. Log in to your Affilizz account.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Access & Security.

  3. Click on Add an Access Token.

  4. Give the token a clear name, such as "Export-CSV".

  5. The only required permission to check is:

  6. Generate the token and copy it immediately. For added security, you can email it to yourself.

  7. Once done, confirm by clicking I have successfully registered my token.

Step 2: Installing and Setting Up Postman

  1. Open Postman, a free tool for testing APIs.

  2. Create a (free) account and choose Postman for Web to do everything online.

Step 3: Configuring Requests for Transactions and Clicks

Creating a Collection in Postman:

  1. In Postman, click on the + button, then go to Create new collection > Blank collection.

  2. Name the collection, for example, "Affilizz API".

  3. Using the three dots on the right, click Add request twice.

  4. Rename the first request to "Transactions" and the second to "Clicks".

Configuring the "Transactions" Request:

Select the "Transactions" request within the collection:

In the "Params" Tab, under "Key," enter the following 3 variables:

  • from: Start date (format YYYY-MM-DD), e.g., "2024-03-01".

  • to: End date (maximum 45 days after the start date), e.g., "2024-03-31".

  • format: "CSV" (in uppercase).

The GET request is automatically built with the values you entered. Then, prepend it with so it looks like this:

Then open the Inherit auth from parent menu and select API Key:

  1. Fill in the fields as follows:

    • Key: "apikey" (in lowercase)

    • Value: Paste the API token you previously generated and emailed to yourself

    • Add to: Select "Header"

  2. Click the Send button

  3. In the lower section of the page, under "Body", lines appear: this is the report, which you can now download in CSV format via the three horizontal dots to the right of Save as example … -> Save response to file.

  4. The file will download and can now be imported into Google Sheets, Excel, or any equivalent tool.

Configuring the "Clicks" Request:

Repeat the same steps as for the "Transactions" request, replacing the URL with:

Ensure that the parameters and authorization are configured the same way as for the "Transactions" request.

💡 To finish, save your two configurations by clicking Save above the blue SEND button.

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