Whether it's your Marketing team collaborating on new designs, Your broader business voting on a Hackday project or HR deciding on the subsequent work event, Forms for Confluence can be used to build great voting forms. In this article, we will build an example and show how you can have a notification sent to your email when a user submits, in addition to only allowing respondents to reply once.
Let's go ahead and get started.
We start with creating a new form,
We then will give our new voting form a name, let's call it "Marketing Design Brochure Feedback.β
And then assign the space we want the form to be embedded and the parent page for the form.
We can now choose whether to turn notifications on to receive an email when anyone submits the form.
We do that by clicking on the "Email notifications" Tab then we can use the toggle.
To either turn notifications on or off. Let's go ahead and leave it on.
Next, we want to ensure that our respondents can only submit one form each to ensure a fair voting system.
To do this, click the "Advance" tab again in the Form Configuration pop-up. Then, under the "Multiple Submissions" section, we want to check the box for "Prevent users submitting this multiple times.
We can now click "Continue."
We now have a form set up that will only allow users to submit a form once, and when they do so, we will receive a notification to inform us of the submission.
Let's now add a couple of questions to capture the votes.
We will initially add a "radio button" field type and input the question into the text field "Which design do you prefer?"
We can add our answers to the question on the right-hand side of the builder; let's add three answers.
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Let's add a "Short answer" field and ask our respondents to "In a few ways explain your choice."
We will set a character limit 200 and "make this field required" in the question settings.
And save the form.
Finally, we will use the Confluence page editor to add the three designs to the page where the form is embedded.
There we go; we can now update the page and share it with our respondents. You now have a voting form that allows your team and broader colleagues to vote on a subject once and notify you when they respond.
Happy Form Building