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General User Tips
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 7 months ago

1. Alter overviews to your needs by using page filters or in-graph selection of elements

Within the dashboard, you have two options to change overviews and insights to your needs or to zoom in on specific focus areas.

  • Page filters: when available and relevant, there are filters at the top of every page which can be used to add overview to your needs. This kind of filters is especially useful if you want to keep a specific filter for longer a bit longer but more importantly, don't want to it to be unintentionally impacted by selecting something else.

  • Selection within a visual: another way of finetuning the overviews to your needs is by clicking on elements within visuals. This is especially very helpful if a visual is showing an interesting insight and you want to better understand the reasoning behind that. For example: imports of the United States are increasing. By clicking on the United States in the graph on "Imports", the other overview will be filtered according and show from which areas that increase is coming. You can easily unselect by clicking somewhere on a blank element on the page.

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2. Hoover over “?” bulletin above a visualization to get additional information

When relevant, visuals, filters and other elements in the dashboard, are accompanied with "?" bulletins. These bulletins will help you to better understand what is shown in the visualization or how to use a filter for example.

3. Reveal underlying insights by hoovering over world maps

Within the dashboard, different world maps are embedded that visualize how, for example, developments are over a specific time period. Additionally to that, when hoovering over a country an new visual appear with more detailed and clarifying insights. This especially helpful to better understand a strong development you see in the first place and want to better understand right away.

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4. Options menu by clicking the “…” right top cornet of a visualization

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