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Optimizing Pile Heights and Tracker Slopes
Optimizing Pile Heights and Tracker Slopes

Some strategies for how to remove piles that are higher than desired

Kayla Treese avatar
Written by Kayla Treese
Updated over 6 months ago


Welcome to Part 4 of the pile optimization process! In this segment, we'll discuss techniques for reducing excessively tall piles and adjusting tracker slopes to enhance efficiency. A video of this segment is also available on PVFARM’s YouTube Channel.

1. Removing Problem Areas- To address the piles that are higher than average, we'll isolate problem areas and remove them. There are two methods of doing this, both can be used.

  • Selection of Problematic Sections: Using the “Horizontally Select” tool, identify areas exceeding a certain height threshold (As demonstrated in the previous section).

  • Removing the steepest areas from the layout, you can do this in a couple different ways.

    • Create Around Selected:

      • Select the problematic sections using the “Horizontally Select” tool.

      • With those selected navigate to Edit > Boundary then select Create Around Selected, determine offset size, then hit Ok.

      • This will create many small zones around the problem areas.

      • Open “Object Details” and set to Exclude.

    • Freehand Draw:

      • You can also use the freehand draw tool under Edit > Boundary to define less precise areas for exclusion.

      • Create boundaries by drawing points around a general area, using either object or elevation colorization.

      • Adjust these boundaries as needed to encompass problematic sections.

      • With all new boundaries selected open “Object Details” and set to Exclude.

2. Refining Equipment Placement- Once exclusion zones are established, you can refine by using one of the following methods.

  • Deleting Selected Equipment and Augmenting: This method avoids placing equipment on a flat plane, preserving the 3D layout, however more DC is likely going to be lost since the system won’t optimize the layout for the modified boundary geometry.

    • In the model explorer, select equipment within the exclusion zones and delete them.

    • Navigate to the Augment tab to adjust equipment placement based on existing scene elements.

  • Updating Boundaries: If augmenting reduces system size significantly, update boundaries under the layout panel and regenerate the layout.

3. Adjusting Tracker Slopes- To further optimize pile heights, consider modifying tracker slopes or using terrain-following trackers:

  • You can adjust the slope of the trackers by adjusting the “Slope Along Axis” under the “Solar Array Limits” section.

  • Isolating Trackers: Use the property analysis panel to horizontally select trackers above a certain height threshold.

  • Changing Tracker Type: Convert selected trackers to Terrain Following Trackers, allowing slope adjustments from pile to pile.

  • Updating Slope Parameters: Adjust slope change bay-to-bay and cumulative percentages based on manufacturer specifications.

Rigid Trackers:

Terrain Following Trackers:

4. Evaluating Results and Iterating

  • After making adjustments, analyze the impact on pile heights and system efficiency.

  • Recolorize objects using the “Property Analysis” panel and/or the elevation in the “Terrain Analysis” panel to visualize changes and refine exclusion zones as necessary.

  • Aim for a target pile height before considering additional modifications such as cut and fill operations.


By strategically eliminating problem areas, adjusting tracker slopes, and iteratively refining equipment placement, we can optimize pile heights and enhance the efficiency of solar energy systems. In the next segment we'll delve into cut and fill operations.

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